So I haven’t posted anything in a while…

…and there’s a reason why.

The poetry, the stories (well, story), they were just too personal. Which is the complete opposite of what I intended them to be. I’m not a man inclined to reveal my inner workings to the wide eye of the public, and that’s why I originally planned on posting my more… abstract work here. “I’m not directly revealing anything about myself, so I feel less vulnerable.” That’s what I told myself, and it still seems to make sense, in a logical sort of way… until you sit down and start writing stuff that actually means a damn. Then you realize, “this work right here, this is were I can allow my heart to find a release, the time when I can shoot the little bursts of electricity that seem to accumulate in me non-stop and that threaten my fucking peace of mind unless I can find a place to ground this energy comprised of anxiety, depression, and unjust euphoria.” So I’m gonna keep that shit to myself. Well, at least, for now.

I’m gonna try a new spin here on sperrydox. I’m gonna try writing about whatever the hell I want… kinda. I also want more views, so I’m going to aim at being not just a writer, but an entertainer. Or at least someone somewhat interesting. Along the lines of Cracked, or maybe The Onion (damn, that does sound like fun!). A man sometimes wants some measurement of success, can I get a motherfuckin AMEN! But no bullshit, ’10 Things to Do If You Want X Asshole to Like You Because of Superficial Reason Y‘ crap. Or any of that sensational tripe that seeks to lure in eyes because of the worst in the minds of those eyes. I’ll probably try several different spins until I hit jackpot. Time for some work; trying new layouts, promoting the site, and just becoming a better all around writer. Words on words on words. That’s what it’s probably (not probably, without a fuckinshadowofadoubt) gonna come down to, in the end.