Regular Show and its Random Funnies

regular showSo I finally decided to check out Regular Show, and let me tell you, I haven’t laughed that hard from a show in a very long while. Let me just say, before anything—I CAN’T RECOMMEND IT ENOUGH. If you’re a fan of Adventure Time, or randomness in general, with a subtle sense of meaning under the surface, then this is FOR YOU. Synthesizer of ultimate power, check. Talking, scheming hot dogs, check. Odd yet lovable collection of characters, that mesh together perfectly, and face the small (and extraordinarily large) dilemmas of life? Check, check, and check. I know, I’m a little late to the show (it’s what I do, arrive late). But better late than never, and now it’s my turn to experience the funnies I’ve been missing out on.

I got to thinkin’ though, why is the randomness of it what makes it hilarious? What’s so funny about a gang of bro unicorns hazing a raccoon and tearing apart his place. About  “Death Kwon Do”, a martial  art you develop only after you acquire a mullet and a pair of cut-off jeans. About a Master Prank Caller that is literally a phone? And can control time? I mean, laughter,  or even just the faintest of smiles, itself is difficult to explain. Why did we evolve this thing, laughter? The upward gyration of our mouth? There’s some scientific shit out there, I’m sure, but everyone knows it’s this unique, mysterious facet of life that makes it tolerable, balancing out all the heavy burdens and never-ending trials we have to endure. That might be how the scientists try to explain it. So that life became tolerable. Now that I think about, I can tell when a dog is happy. Are the high pitched whines they give the equivalent of a smile? What’s their laugh? It’s weird to think about. Maybe chimps? Note: I just googled this stuff, and it turns out, a lot of animals laugh in their own unique sort of way. Crazy. A dog’s laugh is a slightly altered version of its pant. Amazing how it all came about just so happiness could be expressed. I freakin’ love animals, including us humans (as hard as that can be sometimes).

So if just the idea of laughter, as well as what I guess I’ll call “normal funnies”, are hard to explain, what’s the rationality behind the hilarity of randomness. <—There, I think I hit the bullseye. There’s is no rationality behind it. Or is there? Maybe, there’s a reason for the lack of rationality. An unstated truth, that if uncovered, would cause the whole of humanity to become a drab boring husk of its former glory. Well, if anything, why is the random funny more hilarious to me and those with a similar sense of humor than other types of comedy, at least? Is it as simple as, “you don’t see it coming?” That, is probably a part of it. The last thing my friend and I expected while watching Luis Suarez play during the World Cup was to see him bite. For the third time. IN THE WORLD CUP. Haha, I’m laughing thinking about it. But it can’t be all of it. The hilarity of the Suarez bite also has to do with the reaction it received internationally and prior . The Regular Show humor, it has to be intrinsically funny. A pure kind of funny. Maybe it’s just seeing the unbelievable, become real, in front of you? Another version of reality, that doesn’t follow our laws, but these other laws, created by a God with a sense of humor? Man, I don’t know. I’ll expand this in another entry. All I know is that, it’s funny as hell, and that I’m glad things like it exist.

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